A Fresh Start - White Sage Smudge Stick

17.00 CHF


Smudge sticks are made from sacred herbs and have been used for centuries in different cultures to clear energy in people, spaces, and even tools like crystals and candles. The smoke of the holy herb clears energy and creates an aura of protection. We also love using it whenever we feel low or out of sorts and to give thanks. Sage purifies, cleanses, and clears negative energy in people and spaces.

Why we love it: Sage is an absolute must-have! It has an incredibly grounding aroma and effortlessly eliminates the bad from everything and everyone.

How to Use

Begin the ritual by taking a moment to express your gratitude and set your intention. Next, open the windows to let any stagnant energy out into the world. Light the bundle and let the flame catch for 20 seconds, then gently blow it out, allowing the smoke to rise from the embers. Take the bundle and waft the smoke around yourself and the corners of each room, allowing the purifying smoke to cleanse and refresh the energy. Finally, take the bundle and use it to surround any objects that you feel need a good cleanse, allowing the smoke to penetrate them for 30 seconds. Once you're finished, dispose of the bundle carefully in a ceramic dish or shell. It's essential to avoid extinguishing it with water, which can damage the bundle. Remember, each bundle can last up to 20 uses, so you can enjoy the benefits of this purifying ritual for a long time to come.

When to smudge

  • When moving into a new home.
  • After an argument or being around many people.
  • When you want to cleanse the energy from a particular place or object. 
  • When feeling depressed, anxious, or otherwise unusual.
  • When needing to focus on energy or thoughts.
  • Before sleep to prevent nightmares.
  • When needing to relax in general.
  • In the morning, to be thankful.
  • Before a ceremony or ritual