Verena Ofarim's Beauty Regimen

Verena Ofarim's Beauty Regimen

Mar 26, 2022The Goddess Collective

To start the day well, I meditate right after I get up. For this I choose one of my three favorite meditations, depending on what I need at the moment and gives me the most strength. Currently I meditate often with my favorite mala necklace whilst listening to the Om Shanti Om mantra by Deva Premal. This technique is called Japa meditation.

Before brushing my teeth I like to pulling oil by using the Energy Mouth Oil from Elixr. Oil pulling is an important part of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian healing art. For showering my go-to is the shower gel from Oliveda because it is rich, nourishing and smells wonderful of grapefruit and rose.


Then I set my intention for the day. This can be for a specific appointment or an important phone call or a general intention like, "I am grateful for the love that accompanies and protects me every day." For this practice I spray our Aura Spray Love on my palms and over my head, breathe in the wonderful scent of rose petals and always try to imagine that a white ball full of love and light surrounds me, accompanying and protecting me throughout the day. This ritual helps me to consciously focus my day on love and positive experiences and thus draw beautiful experiences into my everyday life.

Since I hardly wear makeup it is important for me to use a good moisturizer. I love the thought that less is more and the main thing is that the skin looks healthy and radiant. The first step in my skin care routine is therefore Caudalie's Beauty Elixir Spray Eau de Beauté - it's like a freshness boost. After that, I apply a serum. I really like Paulas Choice's C15 Super Booster Serum, which I mix with Dr. Hauschka's Rose Day Cream. Natural ingredients and fragrances are very important to me. Finally, I add some Glow Rouge, for example from Lavera Naturkosmetik, to my cheeks and the day can start perfectly.

If I have time in the evening, I love to take a bath. Before stepping into my tub I brush my body with the body brush from Ruhi. This technique is called Dry Brushing and it stimulates the metabolism and gently exfoliates my skin. I love base bathing ingredients like those from Bärbel Drexel, mixed with Dead Sea salt from the drugstore. A yoga teacher friend of mine once told me that this combination is the perfect energetic cleanser after a long day. While I soak in this calming water I run mantras from Kundalini Yoga and chant to them. My favorite: The Wahe Guru version of Gurudass.


This is the absolute Self Love ritual for me, which is why I treat myself to it probably three times a week. After the bath, I rub my body, still slightly damp from bathing, with an oil - I really like Weleda's pomegranate oil - so the active ingredients can absorb better and my skin feels super nourished.

Before going to bed, I perform another gratitude ritual. My tip: Write down at least three things a day for which you are especially grateful today. This can be gratitude for beautiful things you have experienced, gratitude for dear people you have met, but also for challenges you have faced and which contribute to your spiritual, but also personal growth.

After that I still like to read beautiful, healing and inspiring texts that go deep into the heart and soul and nourish me, including texts to end the day by Osho from the book "Evening Meditation" - I can really recommend this one.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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