How to survive the pre-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde and the upcoming eclipse season

How to survive the pre-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde and the upcoming eclipse season

27 Apr, 2022The Goddess Collective

Do you feel like you've been hit by a bus these days? That's because we've been in the pre-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde (#mercuryretrograde takes effect from May 10 until June 3) since Monday.

More specifically: Mercury moves ahead and through the degrees it will return to, you could begin to get a bit of a preview of what's to come during the actual retrograde phase. This is when technical glitches and slowdowns and miscommunications start to crop up. (For instance, that e-mail to your boss may get lost in the ether, or your partner may misunderstand a benign text.) You may also receive clues of the emotional work that lies ahead during the retrograde. For example, maybe you'll come across old journals while doing a reorg of your apartment that will prompt you to reflect on patterns in your past relationships.

Whatever it is, pay attention to how you cope, as a similar, and even more significant, challenge might be around the corner.

And, as if this wasn't enough stress already, Eclipse season kicks off this Saturday, April 30 as the year’s only new moon in Taurus arrives as a game-changing solar eclipse. A happening for which astronomy fans in Chile and southwestern Argentina are already polishing the lenses of their cameras, while some of us would probably rather hide themselves under the covers like Cameron Diaz did in "The Holiday" with junk food and vino.

via GIPHY 

And why not? As astro-queen Lori Haberkorn writes on "Normally we manifest and create with the new and full moon. Here we work subconsciously (yet consciously) with the respective energies of the Sun and Moon. During eclipses, however, the direct access to the sun and moon energies is blocked by the planetary constellation and the shadows it creates, and thus their energies do not reach us here on earth and are sent back into the universe, so to speak.

So now the universe may take over the work for us and plan our further ways. This shadow, as well as this supposed loss of control, often creates a feeling of limbo and a kind of in-between world within us. We feel that change is being initiated, that we are already leaving a certain part behind and a new journey is beginning. And at the same time, we don't have a clue where this journey will go, because a lot of what we plan seems to go differently, and so we find ourselves back to the independent ways of the universe."



Which is why we really have no choice but to shift down a gear during this chaotic astro phase, practice serenity, and actively practice letting go of perfectionism and control.

Instead getting upset and mumbling "Bah! Humbug!" at this cosmic happening as Ebenezer Scrooge did to discard Christmas in Dickens "A Christmas Carol", we'd rather wish for you to use this pre-shadow phase of Mercury Retrograde and upcoming eclipse season as an opportunity to go through life with a little more mindfulness.

Self-Care-Tips for his cosmic turbulent times ahead

  • Breathe
    Before we go after our loved ones or office mates, close your eyes and breathe deeply down to your belly. Then let the breath slowly flow back up the spine. This gives the brain more oxygen, which has a calming effect.
  • Eat green
    Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and also herbs like cilantro or basil are full of chlorophyll, or leafy green. This pigment contained in plant cells strengthens our nervous system and promotes oxygen uptake in the blood. Or in other words: de-stress to eat.
  • Become productive
    If you can't de-stress despite breathing and eating green food: Try to convert that energy and de-react by cleaning or gardening. This is productive and also makes you feel good.
  • Take a cold shower
    This action is not just for emergencies. After all, regular cold showers boost the immune system and are said to help with stress and even depression.
  •  Listen to the catharsis playlist from The New York Times
    It's a well-known fact that music can have both positive and negative effects on our moods. The creators of The New York Times put together cool playlists every now and then: From Brahms to Post Malone. The "At Home: Catharsis Songs" playlist can help relieve inner tensions, and listening to it certainly won't hurt.

    With love, to you -TGC Team  

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